Synonym: bit by bit, by inches, by small degrees, in stages, piecemeal. Similar words: little, a little, cattle, settle, scuttle, shuttle, bottled, settle for. Meaning: adv. 1. a little bit at a time 2. by a short distance.
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61. Little by little, management increased the product-coordination groups' role in Europe until they had direct line responsibility for all operating companies in their businesses.
62. Little by little they the entire coast the Arctic Ocean, making careful observation on the way.
63. I would have to learn, little by little, to exist alone.
64. Little by little she lost the taut, strained air of perpetual anxiety.
65. Extravagance began to be in vogue, traditional moral ideas collapsed little by little.
More similar words: little, a little, cattle, settle, scuttle, shuttle, bottled, settle for, settle down, settlement, fit to, admit to, committee, pittance, outlet, title, subtle, unsettling, at least, entitle, at length, elite, split, utility, ability, literally, military, facility, literary, political.